When you've got bad credit, getting a great mortgage in Pennsylvania - or anywhere else - can be an uphill battle. A bad credit score can be the result of a myriad of possible causes, but what it tells possible lenders is that you're a bad credit risk, and that can result in not getting the best mortgage possible. When you apply for a mortgage, going into the process with a good credit score can go a long way towards ensuring you get the best mortgage you can.

Principle Home Mortgage (PHM) in State College, Pennsylvania specializes in helping the clients get great mortgages of all sizes. They often advise their clients on steps they can take to help raise their credit scores. Getting your score up isn't an overnight thing - you have to make timely payments on all of your bills over a long period of time. However, improving your credit score isn't an impossible thing to accomplish either.

D. Shane Whitteker is a broker and owner at PHM.

"If you’ve got bad credit, there are steps you can take to work towards getting a mortgage,” Whitteker says. “If you’re careful with your credit, you should see your score start to increase.”

Your credit score is monitored by 3 major credit rating agencies. You don’t want to check your score too often, as that can actually hurt your score.

Here are some of the steps PHM recommends to help you improve your credit score:

• Pay Your Bills On Time

By making sure you always pay your bills within 30 days of their due date, you’re showing the credit agencies that you are serious about your credit responsibilities. You’re also establishing a pattern of timely payments.

• Report Your Success

Make sure you have at least 2 accounts reporting to all three credit bureaus. This way, over time you will see your score rise with all three bureaus, which will present a more complete history of your score.

• Handle Collections & Charge Offs

Whenever possible, pay off or settle for less than full balance on any collections or charge offs. By working on paying off or settling, you show you’re committed to your credit responsibilities.

• Defaulted Student Loan Debt? Reaffirm If Possible

Student loan debt can be re-affirmed after a certain number of on-time payments, depending on the type of loan. It is important to discuss this with the loan servicer to see what your options are if you find yourself in default on a student loan.

• Pay Your Doctor Bills

Medical bills need to be paid, and it’s not a good idea to assume your insurance will cover the full amount due. Be certain what your share of all medical bills are, and pay them on time.

“This is a very common mistake that results in collections from the hospital or medical organization and a lower credit score,” Whitteker says.

To learn more about getting a great mortgage in central Pennsylania, contact Principle Home Mortgage today!